What is mavetradevest.com?
mavetradevest.com is United Kingdom registered company, (Company Number: 12187263, 178 Bothwell St, Glasgow, United Kingdom.),mavetradevest.com mavetradevest.com business organization produces primary aluminium and premium castand rolled products. Our integrated facility in Glasgow, UK and Ranshofen, Austria allows us to uniquely combine our core competencies in recycling, casting, rolling, heat treating and surface finishing With an average of 75-80% recyclate in the input material, mavetradevest.com is the world leader in recycling.
Who can become an investor?
A citizen of any country who has reached the age of majority (usually 18 years) can take part in the investment projects, deposit his funds and make profit.
How can I invest?
To make a investment you must first create an account. Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can login using the member username and password you receive when signup.
Is the company registered and legal?
mavetradevest.com has a legal status and is registered and based in the United Kingdom.
How many active deposits may I have?
You may have as many active deposits as you wish, there is no limit on the number of active deposits you may have. but our min active deposit is from $100 to start.
Can I change my upline that referred me to this company?
Yes, you need to contact the online support.
I can choose how many ways to invest?
Deposits through BitCoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum requires 3 blockchain-transaction confirmations.
Is profit accrued to my account every day?
The profit is accrued to your account from Monday to Sunday.
Do I need to verify my transaction system before I can withdraw?
In some circumstances, Yes you can withdraw on the first plan once or twice before being required for verification of transaction system
Is principal included in daily interest?
Yes, principal is included in your daily interest.
How can I withdraw funds?
Login to your account using your username and password and check the Request Payment section.
What should I do if I forgot my password?
Click forgot password link, type your username or e-mail and you'll receive your account information.if still have problem please contact us ASAP thanks
After I make a withdrawal request, when will the funds be available on my e-currency account?
All withdrawal requests are processed instantly including weekends and holidays. We usually process payments within a few hours depending on our office work schedule however please keep in mind we have a maximum waiting time frame of 48 hours. Please contact us if your withdrawal request is pending for more than 48 hours.
Transaction system is a means by which the company verifies and identifies your means of sending and receiving money
How can I edit my account information?
To edit your account go to settings.
What is the minimum deposit?
The minimum deposit is $100
What is the maximum deposit?
The maximum deposit is $Unlimited.
Can my relatives or friends become a member if we are sharing the same computer or ip address?
Yes, different usernmes and emails are required.
I created a deposit using Bitcoin, can i receive my payout via Ethereum?
No, payouts are made in the same currency that was used when creating the deposit.
May I open several accounts in your program?
Yes, you can register as many accounts as you wish.
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, we do. We offer a one time 10% for every deposit of your referrals.
Verification of transaction systems is best verified by making a required verification fee from your main wallet address to the companys verification address (CVA).
Do I need to have an active deposit to earn referral commission?
No, you do not need to have an active deposit to earn referral commissions.
I haven't found the answer to my question, what can I do?
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us here through our online support and we will gladly assist you.